The future of streaming is here! AIOZ Network IDO on Ignition announcement

The future of streaming is here! AIOZ Network IDO on Ignition announcement

We are happy to announce that the AIOZ Network IDO will soon take place on the Ignition platform, an IDO platform brought to you by PAID Network. The event will have the full support of Master Ventures and Innovion in order to ensure a smooth and successful process both for the AIOZ Network team and the community!

The AIOZ whitelist is open! Join the AIOZ whitelist HERE

The next big thing in content distribution is coming.

The future of streaming will be decentralized and you can be part of it! To do so, you should participate in the AIOZ Network IDO OR run a node to help the network. A guide on how to run an AIOZ Network guide can be found here. We will build a new model for content distribution, one of the first-ever Blockchain-based decentralized content distribution networks!

So, why do we need one of these? Sure, we all love Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Youtube but something is just not right and the AIOZ team has made it its mission to fix it! The space is currently dominated by a select few (Like the aforementioned companies) and it is heavily unbalanced. Here’s why:

Content creators are not properly compensated and content consumers have to pay for viewership or suffer through countless ads that they are not compensated for viewing. All of this while their data is (often unknowingly so) collected and sold to third parties.

That’s not the only issue. These providers are centralized and that can make them efficient. Creating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) places heavy demands on terms of bandwidth, computational power, and so forth. Increased internet traffic is blowing off the capacity of traditional cloud-based CDNs which can make them malfunction. We all hate when our favorite show or song freezes or when the image gets pixelated (and so on) and this can happen a lot at times, especially in places where the internet connections aren’t that good to start with.

Here’s how we’re going to do it

Decentralized systems are changing the world in many different ways. Blockchain technology is changing the way we think about finance and it’s disrupting multiple industries while doing so. Other projects like BitTorrent and IPFS are changing the way we access and use the internet as well by using nodes as “decentralized servers”. Like cryptocurrency mining, these nodes are regular people running software on their computers.

The AIOZ Network will leverage these two types of decentralized networks to create a new type of Content Delivery Network. A decentralized Content Delivery Network (CDN). Ran by and for the viewers. To do this, we’ll need to do the same thing that Bitcoin and other cryptos are doing. We’ll need to find a way to reward the nodes that make up this network.

This is why we’ll need people to run AIOZ nodes and that is why we have created the AIOZ layer1 blockchain and native token, to create an incentive reward for the network members who will contribute with the aforementioned computational resources which have made these type of Content Delivery Network (CDN) unfeasible until now.

AIOZ Network nodes will contribute with multiple resources, especially computation power, bandwidth and storage capacity. We will leverage all of these resources and reward users with the $AIOZ token for doing so. This token will have several purposes which will help ensure they have intrinsical value and can serve as proper monetary incentives to join the network and behave as expected.

Why is all of this important?

The AIOZ Network team has set out to change the way we stream content but this will have multiple advantages and will not only improve the way we view content and the quality of said content delivery but will also change the way all the participants in this system interact with each other

The AIOZ Network will do away with useless middlemen, creating new opportunities for creators and providing easier access to viewers, and even rewarding these for consuming their favorite content! This is the future of streaming and this is why we are so excited you can be a part of it through our IDO on the Ignition platform.

The way the whole system is put together creates an opportunity for new types of content to flourish and niche creators to join the fold through the previously discussed monetary incentives created by the AIOZ token. The viewer will also benefit from cheaper and widespread access to content which the current streaming “monopoly” can simply not offer. What’s more, is that advertisers can also interact directly with viewers and creators and improve rewards for both parties. Yes, you will be paid for watching Friends!

This isn’t just a pipedream, folks. The team has already build AIOZTube, a video-sharing platform is already live, you can check it out here. You can learn more about how all of this works by reading our whitepaper and checking out the AIOZ roadmap is packed full of milestones including AIOZ OTT: where you will be get AIOZ tokens for watching your favorite shows and AIOZ TV: a live video streaming service.


IGNITION is a featured product of PAID Network, operating as a decentralized swapping protocol which allows blockchain-based token projects to offer their private and public auctions. The platform features Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and here shortly, Polkadot functionality.

Ignition is different from other auction platforms in that it properly vets and selects only top-tier cutting-edge projects. Its multi-level incentivization mechanisms for participants of published projects will encourage HODLing that supports both the project founders and the community. It isn’t just a trading platform, it FUELs projects and takes fundraising to the next level.

Ignition brings quality projects, fixed swaps, and equitable lottery participation to the PAID community.

AIOZ Whitelist typeform: PAID Ignition: AIOZ Whitelist


FUEL is a platform that combines the best of both Master Ventures and PAID network. By using Master Ventures’ expertise of over 30 years in the crypto and Blockchain space, and PAID’s exemplary marketing resources, FUEL oversees several incubation projects. The company, Master Venture has a robust network of community members and influencers that, with PAID’s IDO sales platform Ignition will empower the core of the MV FUEL team to handle large-scale Blockchain projects.

MV FUEL has been the go-to platform for all incubation needs because of the following reasons:

  • The MV FUEL team comprises of professionals and experts that look after every aspect of the incubation project.
  • FUEL’s PAID Network has arguably the best network of community members and influencers, loyal and devoted to its Ecosystem.
  • Over time we have taken over several promising projects and helped them reach new heights in their respective industries within the cryptocurrency space.


Innovion is one of the most respected marketing & advisory firms in the Blockchain space.

The company advises & helps disruptive technology innovators to achieve global crypto adoption. Always working “behind the scene”, Innovion’s client portfolio consists of projects like Paid Network, Ocean Protocol, RAMP DeFi, Cartesi, Utrust, Polkastarter, Shadows, Splyt and Terra Virtua, to name a few.

Using a unique approach to Guerilla Marketing, Innovion has developed a prestigious reputation over time. The company’s founders have extensive experience of having helped market over 200 Blockchain projects under its belt and have provided satisfactory results to every single one of them. Innovion’s founders have unique skill sets with years of expertise in the Blockchain space that they use to finesse every project.

About AIOZ

AIOZ is a Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry.

AIOZ utilizes Blockchain to better content distribution through decentralisation. A distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data instead of traditional data centers operating on a P2P model.

AIOZ uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust platform for content streaming making it affordable, fast, and of better quality.

By using this revolutionary technology, AIOZ can efficiently change the way the world streams content. Thus taking the world one step closer to the future.

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