The AIOZ Network: Monthly Review for April

The AIOZ Network: Monthly Review for April

The AIOZ Network team and community have achieved a lot in the past month. We want to bring this to light in a summary post for those that haven’t been able to keep up with all the exciting updates!

A lot has changed in this month and we feel that the overall result has been nothing short of positive. We are working towards a common goal, the re-evolution of the content distribution industry and we’re doing it together: The team, the investors, the community, and our expanding network of nodes.

To all, involved, we can not thank you enough for the trust and effort that has been put into this project!

General Milestones (nodes, community growth, etc)

We are growing! This can be seen in all possible metrics. In the short period since our IDO, we’ve been able to grow at an unprecedented rhythm, reaching several important milestones:

Partnerships and investors

We’ve announced several partnerships this month and. In April, we’ve announced the following partnerships which will bring benefits to the companies that will leverage The AIOZ Network’s unparalleled infrastructure to save costs and create new monetization models that are simply impossible to achieve with the current centralized models:

We’ve also revealed some of the most important pre-sale investors and advisor onboarding:

These announcements are just the first of many. May will bring even more exciting news, so keep an eye out for those.

Tokenomics updates and technical changes

A lot has happened on the technical side of the project. Especially when it comes to the $AIOZ token. We’ve changed a few things, provided more tools for users and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Here are some of the things we’ve achieved this month:

We’ve also provided some guides to ensure users can take advantage of all the benefits that the $AIOZ token provides:

About the AIOZ Network

The AIOZ Network is a Layer-1 Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry.

AIOZ Network utilizes Blockchain for better content distribution by leveraging the power of decentralization. Unlike the traditional data centers operating on a centralized model. distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data.

The AIOZ Network uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust infrastructure for content streaming making it more affordable, faster. This allows the AIOZ Network to provide a higher quality service.

By using this revolutionary technology, the AIOZ Netowk can efficiently change the way the world streams content of all sorts, improving the quality of life of many and shaping the re-evolution of information and knowledge for future generations.

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