Keep it crypto: AIOZ Network drops patents

Keep it crypto: AIOZ Network drops patents

We believe Crypto is all about freedom of choice. Its ethos relies heavily on making technology and information public and available for peer review and use. This is why we have an exciting announcement to make:

While AIOZ has several patents that have been registered throughout the years, we have decided to drop them. In the spirit of Blockchain, AIOZ will not pursue claims related to the PTC patents filed in 2018 previously awarded to AIOZ in 2020.

Other projects can leverage years of work in order to build their own next big thing! That’s how we evolve and progress, by lifting each other up.

Details on our patents can be found below:

Patents and competition in crypto

The AIOZ Network is a decentralized Content Distribution Network (dCDN) and we have accomplished a lot in the last few months. From our incredible, record-breaking IDO, to the massive growth of our community, token holders of ERC20 (9,546 as of 12th April 2021) and token holders of BEP20 (12,363 as of 12th April 2021), and nodes count which is currently sitting at 17,000.

We believe that cryptocurrency is all about finding collaboration even when there is competition. This allows us to grow as an industry and to challenge ourselves to be better. The AIOZ Network is often compared to Theta Network as both projects work in the dCDN sector and have quite ambitious goals when it comes to the future of the media industry.

Theta Network allows temporary work via caching technique and it has a patent for this purpose. However Theta patents hold no grounds on the AIOZ Network architecture as AIOZ Network powers dApps Ecosystem, via a p2p interconnected mesh network of Edge nodes, with permanent work of storage using user-friendly Edge Node application.

While Theta Network has no claim over the AIOZ Network when it comes to patented technology, we would still urge all cryptocurrency project within the dCDN sector and the wider industry to drop their patents and make this space what is meant to be: A place where we can compete but innovate while doing so, providing the most value to the users and community.

About AIOZ Network

AIOZ Network is a Layer-1 Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry.

AIOZ Network utilizes Blockchain to better content distribution through decentralisation. A distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data instead of traditional data centers operating on a P2P model.

AIOZ Network uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust platform for content streaming making it affordable, fast, and of better quality.

By using this revolutionary technology, AIOZ Network can efficiently change the way the world streams content. Thus taking the world one step closer to the future.

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