AIOZ Network team highlight: Interview with the CEO Erman Tjiputra

AIOZ Network team highlight: Interview with the CEO Erman Tjiputra

As part of an upcoming team and investor highlight series where Innovion will be interviewing members of the AIOZ team and notable project inventors, we spoke to Erman Tjiputra founder and CEO at AIOZ Network. An interesting and compelling conversation about blockchain technology, smart contracts, content delivery systems and even extraterrestrial live!

Erman Tjiputra was born in Indonesia, studied in Singapore and pursued a university education in the U.S.A. Since a young age, Erman has had an interest in technology and showed immense talent in whitehat hacking and reverse engineering. Erman joined Boston College in 1995, majoring in Finance.

This was an important step towards the journey that has become the creation, development, and deployment of the AIOZ Network, one of the first fully-functional blockchain-based decentralized Content Delivery System (dCDN), an achievement made possible due to several technological advancements priorly achieved and to the core AIOZ team which he met and started collaborating with on 2013.

Life beyond earth and the world of distributed computing

A curious mind, Erman Tjiputra has always looked beyond its own existence, having recently told Innovion “I don’t feel like I’m Erman, I feel like I’m AIOZ”, a powerful statement that shows his and the AIOZ team’s dedication to what could become a paradigm-shifting project in the world of blockchain technology and content delivery.

As so, and many years in 1995 before meeting the AIOZ core team, Erman recalls his participation in S.E.T.I., a nonprofit research organization that stands for “Search for Extra-Terrestrial Insititute”. This was his first venture into the world of decentralized “nodes” and computational contributions.

The S.E.T.I. program allowed the worldwide community to join forces and provide computational resources to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life. Speaking on the experience, Erman told Innovion:

“I believed in the cause of seeking Extra Terrestrial by sharing compute resources for a common purpose. In so doing, if E.T. was ever found, we are not alone in this universe. I did not do it alone and we, the community of SETI did it! ”

The AIOZ inception

Following his experience with the S.E.T.I program, Erman Tjiputra developed his first taste for distributed computing collaborations, seeing a bright future in the world of decentralization which would allow for the inception of concepts like peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) and blockchain technology, both of which are integral parts of the AIOZ Network.

In 2013, Erman met and began collaborating with the AIOZ team which includes notable members like Hien Nguyen, Head of Blockchain; Trieu Nguyen, Chief Technology Officer; Hung Nguyen, Project Manager; and Quang Tran, Head of AI.

Throughout 2014 and 2015, the AIOZ Research Team wrote several notable whitepapers and research documents which include:

Autonomous Navigation with Mobile Robots using Deep Learning and the Robot Operating System”, ROSBook 2021. [paper] [github]

“Top-k Self-Assessment Regularizer for Fine-Grained Visual Classification”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021). [paper].

“Light-weight Deformable Registration usingAdversarial Learning with Distilling Knowledge”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021. [paper].

“Leveraging Meta-annotation for Meta-learning in Medical Visual Question Answering”, The 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. [paper].

And Many Others!

Erman told Innovion:

“Being Accepted in Rank A Peer-Reviewed Conferences is a testament of our team’s technical calibre. There’s no prize money and being accepted is like winning at the Academy Awards in the world of Academia”

All of this work led to the official creation of the AIOZ Network team in 2017 following the emergence and growing popularity of smart contracts. For more than five years, the AIOZ team worked tirelessly and with no Venture Capital (V.C) support. Erman self-funded the project completely, leading to what would become the AIOZ Network, a Layer 1 Native Blockchain based p2p Content Delivery Network. Erman explained why he chose this path:

“ We have applied AI Computer Vision in Videos for analytics & Videos are in our Team’s DNA.We did not invent Video Streaming. We did not invent p2p. We did not invent blockchain. We did not invent smart contracts. We invent AIOZ who made all parts work together as One. ”

AIOZ Network now and the road ahead

Now, the AIOZ Network has received funding from several notable blockchain venture capital firms and is incubated by the likes of MV Fuel, and is receiving marketing and additional support from Innovion.

The AIOZ team has so far built additional decentralized applications (dApps) on top of the AIOZ Network, including the AIOZ Tube, a video-sharing platform similar to YouTube but with additional features and other upcoming platforms like the AIOZ OTT and AIOZ TV. Learn more about these dApps here. Now, it is calling upon developers, entrepreneurs, and existing businesses to build and develop new dApps on its network.

The AIOZ Network also counts with more than 3,000 nodes as of 23 March 2021 from all over the world and is expecting many more to come in the near future (Learn how to run your AIOZ node in our step-by-step here). AIOZ is hosting its Initial Decentralized Offering on BSCPAD and on the Ignition Platform on the 2nd of April 2021. Erman Tjiputra told Innovion:

“$AIOZ coin listing on dual protocol ERC 20 and BEP 20 concurrently will be a game changer for future IDOs ”

About AIOZ Network

AIOZ is a Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the digital media entertainment industry.

AIOZ utilizes Blockchain to better content distribution through decentralisation. A distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses p2p edge Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data instead of traditional data centers operating on a P2P model.

AIOZ uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust platform for content streaming making it affordable, infinite scalabilityt, and of better quality.

By using this revolutionary technology, AIOZ can efficiently change the way the world streams content. Thus taking the world one step closer to the future.

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