AIOZ Network: Post-IDO analysis

AIOZ Network: Post-IDO analysis

The $AIOZ Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO) was an absolute success. The amount of support and community engagement received in the months leading to the IDO event have been instrumental to our success.

We also believe that our “do your own research” (DYOR) approach has been extremely important when it comes to showing how AIOZ Network sets itself apart from competitors both in and outside of the cryptocurrency space. From our AMAs to educational content, we are confident that the success of the IDO has been driven by fundamental factors.

So, here’s a quick recap of the IDO event and subsequent listings.

IDO Analysis

The IDO took place on April 2nd, 2021 on both the BSCPad and Ignition platforms. We were able to gather $255,000 from the community and have distributed 17,000,000 $AIOZ tokens in a fair and transparent manner.

Listing on Uniswap and Pancakeswap took place shortly after the IDO event and led to massive interest and interaction from the trading community seeing over $131 million in daily volume on Uniswap and $67 million on PancakeSwap. $AIOZ was also trending as the #1 token on DEXTools with a score of 98/100.

Most importantly, the AIOZ IDO has been extremely rewarding to those who have participated in the event, the early backers and believers. The AIOZ Nation. We’re proud to say that our IDO has been the most successful one so far in terms of Return on Investment (ROI), providing 34,956% in profits for participants, a record-breaking figure.

Recent Success of Public Sales ROI. Source: DarkPool Liquidity

AIOZ Network: Community and growth

While our IDO results were impressive, to say the least, the show must go on! Our community continues to grow at a spectacular rate and we now count with over 32,100 Twitter followers and 20,600 Telegram group members.

At the time of writing, there are also 7,415 and 11,064 $AIOZ hodlers on the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, respectively and we have over 13,000 edge nodes ready to store and distribute content for our decentralized Content Delivery Network (dCDN).

It has been an incredible journey so far and it is all thanks to you guys, the AIOZ Nation! But we’re just getting started. There are many more announcements, partnerships, and community events coming up, so keep your eyes peeled for those.

About AIOZ

AIOZ is a Layer-1 Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry.

AIOZ utilizes Blockchain to better content distribution through decentralisation. A distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data instead of traditional data centers operating on a P2P model.

AIOZ uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust platform for content streaming making it affordable, fast, and of better quality.

By using this revolutionary technology, AIOZ can efficiently change the way the world streams content. Thus taking the world one step closer to the future.

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