AIOZ Network partners with Big Cat Entertainment

AIOZ Network partners with Big Cat Entertainment

We are happy to announce that AIOZ Network has signed a partnership agreement with BIG CAT Entertainment, a Vietnamese online video company and the biggest online video network in Southeast Asia with over 1 billion views across several Youtube channels, including FAP TV (12.5M subscribers), Ghien Mi (6.33M subscribers), GINÔ TỐNG (3.63M subscribers) and others.

Big Cat is the first of many big media partnerships AIOZ has in the pipeline. This specific deal will kick off in the form of a collaboration with AIOZ network where Big Cat will share its proprietary contents on the AIOZ Network and AIOZ.Tube, a native AIOZ-based video-sharing dApp.

The partnership aims to benefit both parties as it will allow Big Cat Entertainment to increase user viewership for its content and will also bring more users’ who are interested in the viral content produced by Big Cat’s channels. In the future, the partnership will bring further benefits to both companies so keep an eye out for additional announcements.

About Big Cat Entertainment

Founded in 2015, BIG CAT Entertainment is one of the fastest-growing Vietnamese media startups with a revenue of over 1.2 million dollars after less than 3 months of launching, leading to its acquisition by Asia Innovation Group (AIG) in a 7-digit deal in 2016, represented by Mr. Johnny Tri Dung, its Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder.

About AIOZ Network

AIOZ Network is a Layer-1 Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry.

AIOZ Network utilizes Blockchain to better content distribution through decentralisation. A distributed Content Delivery Network (dCDN) uses Nodes for storing, streaming, and transferring data instead of traditional data centers operating on a P2P model.

AIOZ Network uses a faster, cheaper, and more robust platform for content streaming making it affordable, fast, and of better quality.

By using this revolutionary technology, AIOZ Network can efficiently change the way the world streams content. Thus taking the world one step closer to the future.

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